Top 5 Ultralight Snacks
Do you carry snacks in your wallet? Why not!?! If your wallet travels everywhere with you, shouldn’t you be prepared just in case? What happens if you decide to go on a hike, or if you’re stuck waiting for a table at a busy restaurant and you need a little something to tie you over? Chances are pretty good that you’re going to have your wallet with you in these types of scenarios, so keep an ultralight snack stored for just in case situations. These are Adventure Dining Guide’s top 5 ultralight snacks that are so light they can be stored inside a wallet.
Ultralight snacks
Roasted Seaweed
Weighing in at only 0.1 oz this sea vegetable is high in potassium, B12 and Iodine. The individually packaged snacks are ultralight and extremely easy to store inside the bill pocket of a wallet. The downside to this snack is that you need more than one to satisfy your hunger. However seaweed snacks are so thin and light that you can easily store 5 of them in your wallet without noticing a difference.
Fruit Leather
Turns out this classic trail snack is also a fantastic treat to store inside a wallet. Fruit leathers are high in carbohydrates and vitamin C, which hopefully is just enough energy to get you to your next meal.
Almond Butter
If you come across 0.6 oz packages of Almond Butter, stock up! Eating one pouch is about the same as eating a handful of almonds. Barney Butters Vanilla and Espresso Snack Packs are a great pick-me-up and most stores sell them for around 99 cents each. One tip, do not fold the almond butter in half when you store it in your wallet. Folding will add extra tension to the packaging, making it more likely to burst open. Instead let the almond butter packaging form to the natural bend in the wallet.
Keep a couple of pieces of jerky tucked away in your wallet for a delightful, ready to eat treat.
Jerky is a recommended snack for urbanites or glampers. Do not keep jerky in your wallet if you are in an area with wildlife, roaming dogs, or you are visiting a petting zoo! Store your jerky wisely, and block the scent with packaging.
Powdered Smoothie
This final snack is a little unique, but with proper testing you will be able to perfect your very own personalized powdered smoothie. Simply start with a small bag that has a zip seal closure, like the one that holds extra buttons when you purchase a new shirt. Then add your favorite powders to the bag, seal and store. When you are ready to use, dump powder into a bottle containing water or milk, shake, and viola, you have a smoothie from your wallet. The flavor combinations are endless, but here are some ADG creations for inspiration:
Mexican Hot Chocolate: Coconut Powder, Cacoa, Cayenne Pepper, Powdered Sugar
Dehydrated Bloody Mary: ADG’s original recipe
Peanut Protein: Vanilla Protein Powder, PB Fit Peanut Butter, Bee Pollen
Chai Matcha: Matcha Powder, Chai Latte
Chai Matcha: Matcha Powder, Chai Latte
Lightweight wallet
If your wallet is already bulky and cumbersome, adding more to it is going to be a nuisance. Grab an ultralight wallet, like this one featured from Allett Wallets. The San Diego based company is run by outdoorsmen who wanted to create the ultimate backcountry accessory. You can forget the Ziplock bag, because this wallet is ultralight, extremely durable and waterproof. Once you throw in your standard wallet items, i.e.: credit cards, id, money… you still have plenty of room for snacks.
Looking for more easy to pack snacks? Check out our Favorite Hiking Snacks